How It Works: For $85/month, enjoy regular home audits and basic maintenance. Need more? Discover how our comprehensive services save you time and money.

Here is a list of some service provided in your quarterly check in.

Service TypeTypical Cost Per JobHomesavvy RateEstimated Annual Savings
Fixing a Leaky Faucet$380
Replacing a Showerhead$380Included$380
Electrical Switch Repair$120Included$120
Light Fixture Replacement$180Included$180
AC Tune-Up$200Included$200
Filter Replacement$100Included$100
Thermostat Calibration$80Included$80
Cleaning Air Vents$150Included$150
Door Hinge Lubrication$50Included$50
Window Sealing Check$75Included$75

Our experienced techs can handle a range of jobs in the service industry which can save you time and money. See below for a non-comprehensive list of some jobs that will need to be done around your house. If we can do it, we will for $85/hr per technician. However some jobs are too large even for in that case we will manage any repairs for you free of charge, as we will access our robust network of trusted technicians.

SpecialistType of JobHomesavvy Cost / HrTypical Specialist Cost / Hr
ElectricalCircuit Installation$85$180
ElectricalLight Fixture Installation$85$180
ElectricalOutlet Installation and replacement$85$180
ElectricalFan Installation$85$180
ElectricalReplacing Old Wiring$85$180
ElectricalGFCI Installation$85$180
ElectricalSwicth Replacement$85$180
ElectricalWhole House Surge Protection$85$180
ElectricalHome Theater Installation and Wiring$85$180
ElectricalPool and Spa Wiring$85$180
ElectricalOutdoor Lighting Installation$85$180
ElectricalHome Automation System Installation$85$180
PlumberSInk Installation$85$360
PlumberShower/Tub INstallation$85$360
PlumberPipe Repair$85$360
PlumberFaucet Repair$85$360
PlumberToilet Repair$85$360
PlumberGarabage Disposal Installation$85$360
PlumberOutdoor Faucet INstallation$85$360
PlumberMinor Pipe Rerouting$85$360
PlumberPressure Regulation Installation$85$360
PlumberWater Softner Installation$85$360
PlumberDishwasher Installation$85$360
HVACAir Dudct Cleaning$85$300
HVACFurnace Repair$85$300
HVACAC Repair$85$300
ElectricalEV Charger Install$180
ElectricalPanel Upgrade or Replacement$180
PlumberBathroom Remodel$360
PlumberSewer Lnie Replacement$360
PlumberWater Main Repair and Installation$360
PlumberBathroom Remodels$360
PlumberSump Pump Installation$360
PlumberBackflow Preventer Installation$360
PlumberGas Line Installation and Repair$360
PlumberPipe Bursting and Relining$360
PlumberSeptic System Installationa nd Repair$360
HVACAC Replacement$300
HVACVent System Overhaul$300
HVACMini-Split Installation$300
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